Currently there are 12 industries and 13 cargoes implemented. They act much the same as industries do in FIRS; primary industries always produce cargo, and some can recieve a boost by delivering Wastelanders, or in the case of the Offshore Colony, Scrap Metal. On map creation, most industries will look destroyed (similar to towns), but will become repaired when you begin servicing them. Once you stop servicing an industry (or take too long between deliveries), it will return to a 'disused' state, but will remain intact. New industries created during gameplay will appear as rebuilt or disused rather than destroyed, meaning over time all destroyed industries will eventually be replaced by new ones whether they are serviced or not. Note that this will not be the case if "static industries" are turned on in the NewGRF parameters, as this will prevent industries from changing production or closing.
I've reused the graphics from OpenGFX for the time being to make it easier on myself, so most industries will probably look quite familiar. Custom graphics are planned, but obviously this takes time. Below is a list of the industries currently implemented; you can also view the basic industry map (does not include additional industry chain).
Mineral Mine

Accepts: Wastelanders (optional)
Produces: Minerals
This is the first industry in the Clean Food chain, it works just like any other mine. The extracted minerals are transported to Chemical Plants. Wastelanders can be delivered to this industry for a production boost.
Chemical Plant

Accepts: Minerals
Produces: Chemicals
The second industry in the Clean Food chain. Takes in Minerals to help produce Chemicals for cleansing radiation. The produced Chemicals are transported to a Food Lab.
Food Lab

Accepts: Chemicals, Water, Seeds
Produces: Clean Food
The final industry in the Clean Food chain. All cargos must be delivered in the same time frame to produce Clean Food. From here, Clean Food is transported to towns and is accepted by all buildings (except self-sustaining), or if you're crazy, you can trade it in for Scrap Metal at the Trading Post.

Accepts: Nothing
Produces: Irradiated Food, Seeds
Works like a regular farm, except everything it grows is irradiated. Irradiated Food can be transported directly to towns (but only accepted by destroyed buildings) or exchanged at the Trading Post for Scrap Metal, while Seeds are taken to Food Labs to be cleansed.
Water Pump

Accepts: Nothing
Produces: Water
Water is transported directly to Food Labs and towns (and accepted by all but self-sustained buildings). The odds of new water pumps appearing during gameplay are very small, so keep an eye on the ones you have!
Gravel Pit

Accepts: Wastelanders (optional)
Produces: Gravel
One of two primary industries in the Building Materials chain. The extracted Gravel is transported to the Cement Plant. Wastelanders can be delivered to this industry for a production boost.
Cement Plant

Accepts: Gravel
Produces: Building Materials
One of two secondary industries in the Building Materials chain. The produced Building Materials are taken to towns (but only accepted by shack buildings).
Iron Ore Mine

Accepts: Wastelanders (optional)
Produces: Iron Ore
One of two primary industries in the Building Materials chain. The extracted Iron Ore is taken to Steel Mills. Wastelanders can be delivered to this industry for a production boost.
Steel Mill

Accepts: Iron Ore
Produces: Building Materials
One of two secondary industries in the Building Materials chain. The produced Building Materials are taken to towns (but only accepted by shack buildings).
Additional Industries
These industries were added in the 0.3 release mostly for the purpose of fleshing out the gameplay and giving more purpose to water and air vehicles. This is a separate industry chain which does not influence town growth, but can be a good way to earn extra money and do something a little different.
Trading Post

Accepts: Irradiated Food, Clean Food
Produces: Scrap Metal
This industry will take Irradiated or Clean Food and exchange it for Scrap Metal, which can then be taken to the Offshore Colony to boost Oil production.
Offshore Colony

Accepts: Scrap Metal (optional)
Produces: Oil, Passengers
The Offshore Colony always provides a small source of Passengers and Oil, but with shipments of Scrap Metal (at least once every 6 months) Oil production can be boosted depending on the amount of scrap delivered.
Power Plant

Accepts: Oil
Produces: Nothing
This industry simply takes in all the Oil you can provide! Don't question why it isn't nuclear powered, you'll get paid well enough to mind your own business!!